الخميس، 30 أكتوبر 2014

Applying HACCP Principles™ for the Food Service Industry

CENTER]Prokuala for Training and Development Center would like to offer to you a course in

(Applying HACCP Principles™ for the Food Service Industry)

Our courses are held at the highest level to ensure effectiveness and your comfort.

Mentioned below a summary to the course’s description:

HACCP is being recognized as the most efficient way to ensure the safety of food products. This course follows the classic approach to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and covers the scientific basis and methodology of HACCP.

Who Should Take the Course?

The course is intended for chefs, managers and employees of food service establishments to help attain and ultimately ensure the safe food and food products consumers demand and competitors are providing.

For more details about the scientific content

Feel free to contact us

Best Regards

Training Coordinator

Miss. Laila Diab

Malaysia: Casa Residency, No.69, Jalan Galloway, 50150 Kuala lumpur

TEL: +60326317075

Mob: +601121888612

Middle East: +201100957531



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